This is easy, but tasty chiken made China style. Aftter everything is cut, it takes only few minutes to make. Basic mistake in this style of cooking is too low frying temperature. So make sure your oil is burning hot, before you start frying. Also keep in mind, that if you add toom much things in hot oil, it cools down and the result is more like a stew than nice and chruncy Cina food.
This is easy, but tasty chiken made China style. Aftter everything is cut, it takes only few minutes to make. Basic mistake in this style of cooking is too low frying temperature. So make sure your oil is burning hot, before you start frying. Also keep in mind, that if you add toom much things in hot oil, it cools down and the result is more like a stew than nice and chruncy Cina food.
Incredients: Boneless chicken, mushrooms, leek, onions, ginger, soya sauce, rice vine, chicken stock, salt and pepper
Lets start.
Lets start.
Put the chopped chicken in marinade: Mix minched ginger, soya sauce and rice winegar. You can also add some salt and pepper, if you like.
Chicken meat should now be matured in marinade. Let the marinade flow to another bowl. (Normally, this goes in waste, but I use it in frying. All good flavours are in there, and it will be boiled well, so no risk of any contamination).
Now heat the oil very hot in wok, and add some minched ginger. Remember to keep the ginger in fast movement all the time
Then onions (the reason, why put onions in this late stage is, that thisway they will be chruncy and not too soft
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