Reindeer stew

This simple stew is the one, every tourist eats here at least once in every stay.

You need reindeer (best would be roast, but also in forest, this was usually made from shoulder), butter, onions, beer, salt and better. Nothing else !

Melt some butter in relatively hot pan. (Yes, use butter, not oil, this is real food :-))

Fry shavings of reindeer (originally meat was frozen, and with knive, you only could get thin shavings...)
in butter. Do not fry too big quantity at one time, since the pan can cool down, and muskle-juice will spread to the pan, and you end up boiling, not frying. See also some added salt and pepper on surfaces.

Now meat is ready, put it to a deeper pan or pot (leave it there for a while...).

Shimmer some chopped onions, again with butter....

Mix with reindeer meat and add some beer (NOTE: do not ad too much beer, since the idea is to shimmer not to boil. You see in this photo the correct amount of beer on bottom).

It takes about 2,5 hours with shoulder of 1 hour with roast, to get a nice and tender stew like this

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