Perch fillet

Let´s fry some perch with new potatoes. This is one of my most favorite summer dish.

Step 1  The dressing
Start with dressing, since it needs to mature  in the fridge for some time.
You need yoghurt, chives, dill, salted cucumbers, lemon, honey, mustard, pepper and salt.

Mix honey and mustard with juice of half lemon. (You need to mix these first, since thick honey is very difficult to mix with youghurt.)

Then add fine chopped other incrediences and yoghurt. Mix well, but keep the yoghurt thick.

Put the ready dressing in fridge to wait.

Step 2  New potatoes
Cut your potatoes in nice pieces. Fill a cettle with water, potatoes, dill and some sea salt. Put it on hot plate and wait untill the water starts to boil. Cook only 5 minutes. Take water away and let the potatoes cool down. ( Potatoes are not well cooked yet, but we´ll fry them later ).

Heat oil in your wok. Add some fresh rosemary and let them give the flavour in to the oil.

Add chopped onions.

Add cooked potatoes, add salt and pepper and let fry 2 minutes and shimmer 5 minutes.

Add some tomatoes and leek, mix and let shimmer another 2 or 3 minutes.

Fry some slices of zucchini with olive oil in another pan. Add salt and pepper.

Take potatoes away from hot plate. Add chopped dill. You can put the fried zucchinis also on the sides of the pan to keep them warm. Put a lid on top of the wok.

Step 3  The perch

To fillet the perch, follow the instructions here.

Add good amount of butter on clean and hot pan.

Lay fillets on boiling butter. Let it fry one minute. DO NOT TOUCH THEM !!

Turn. Add some salt and grate some lemon skin on top. Let it fry again one minute.
Take the pan out from the hot plate.

Lay your dish on suitable plate and enjoy as soon as possible. ( Remember to heat the plates, otherwise you fish shall cool down too soon. Bon apetit !

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