Reindeer tenderloin

Reindeer tenderloin is one of the best materials you can cook here in Kuusamo. The reindeer is killed very young, and therefore one tenderloin normally weights less than 200 grams. Perfect "beef" for one diner.

Incredients: The tenderloin, potatoes, double cream, Dijon mustard, pesto and a special jelly made from "new" cedar needles. (In spring, the cedars grow new sets of needles. Those can be collected and used as spices...)

Cut the potatoes, we´ll fry them raw...

Put oil in hot, deep and round pan and add the potatoes. Add some salt. At start keep the pan very hot: We want nice colors on surfaces...

When you have nice colors on the surfaces, ad chopped onion (and garlic, if you have). Now lower the heat to medium and let potatoes shimmer about 20 mins. ..stir occasionally. In the meantime we´ll prepare the reindeer.

Season the tenderloin with black pepper. Then spread some pesto on top of the seasoning. Yes we did NOT put any salt!

Put the seasoned tenderloin on hot pan with the pesto facing to the pan surface. Fry maximum one minute and turn. (reindeer tenderloin must be medium only, if you fry it until "well done", it´s ruined: Dry, taste like good, give it to your dog, or worst enemy..)

When you have turned to fry the other side, you can add some salt to the fried side (that side, that is pointing up now..:-) )
Fry again maximum one minute

Very important !!! Take the tenderloin out from the pan, and wrap it in folie. (The final cooking happens in this very mild warmth in folie..) Now we have about 5 mins time to make the sauce.

Put jelly, mustard and black pepper into a bowl.

Add double cream and mix well. ( The jelly do not mix easily into any liquid, so if you make this for customers, that are paying, you have to use a blender... No this is home cooking, so I can tolerate some unmixed particles..)

Stir the mixture to the hot pan, where you fried the tenderloin. Sauce is ready in few minutes...

Bon appetit !

Yes I baked some white bread at the same time...

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